Saturday, October 5, 2019


Climate Action for a Healthy, Equitable & Prosperous 
TorontoTransformTO is Toronto’s ambitious climate action strategy. TransformTO will reduce local greenhouse gas emissions, and improve its health, grow the economy, and improve social equity. Everyone will have a part to play in transforming Toronto into a low-carbon city.

After two years of active resident engagement, detailed analysis and scenario modeling, City Council in July 2017 unanimously adopted the first set of TransformTO 2017-2020 short-term strategies and a set of transformational goals identifying how Toronto will change as we collectively work towards the goal of becoming a low-carbon city. The TransformTO vision for a low-carbon future is one that not only reduces our emissions, but one that achieves multiple community-wide priorities including poverty reduction, good quality jobs, healthy communities, and increased resilience to extreme weather.

To read click here: 

Toronto - TransformTO