CAF is a development bank
created in 1970, owned by 19 countries - 17 of Latin America and the Caribbean,
Spain and Portugal- as well as 13 private banks in the region.
It promotes a sustainable
development model through credit operations, non-reimbursable resources, and
support in the technical and financial structuring of projects in the public
and private sectors of Latin America.
CAF CITIES promotes the
development of clusters, chains and companies that add value within a locality,
through institutional strengthening and building consensus to improve the
international position of SMEs and sustainable business partnership, schemes.
To read click here: CAN CITIES
cities in the creation of upgrades for the quality of the housing conditions in
marginalized urban sectors through technical assistance, financing, and
institutional relations to endorse equity, improved quality of life levels and
greater access to basic services.
To read click here: CAF URBAN DEVELOPMENT
Topics CAF: Cities, energy, equity and social inclusion, external
relations, education, environment and climate change, financial development, governance
and institutional quality, impact evaluation, journalism and development, logistics,
productive transformation, productive sectors, road infrastructure, social
innovation, telecommunications and ict, technological innovation, urban
mobillity observatory, urban development, water, and youth.
To read click here: CAF