Thursday, December 8, 2016

INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS/ Sustainable Buildings and Climate Initiative - UNEP SBCI

The UNEP-SBCI is a partnership of major public and private sector stakeholders in the building sector, working to promote sustainable building policies and practices worldwide.

The Initiative do not only serve as a meeting point for stakeholders to jointly carry out activities supporting sustainable development. It also provides direct input to other initiatives, governments, and global bodies making recommendations and decisions affecting sustainable development in this sector, e.g. global initiatives for the finance and insurance sectors, or secretariats for multilateral environmental agreements.

Objective of the Initiative
To achieve its final objective of promoting a worldwide adoption of sustainable buildings and construction practices, SBCI is implementing a process in 4 steps.

STEP 1 - Provide a common platform for the stakeholders
SBCI provides a common platform to all buildings and construction stakeholders for addressing sustainability issues of global significance, especially climate change.

STEP 2 - Establish baselines
SBCI establishes globally acknowledged baselines based on the life cycle approach, with a first focus on energy efficiency and CO2 emissions.

STEP 3 - Develop tools and stategies
SBCI will develop tools and strategies for achieving a wide acceptance and adoption of sustainable building practices throughout the world.

STEP 4 - Implementation through pilot projects

SBCI promotes to key stakeholders the adoption of the above tools and strategies which will be evaluated through pilot projects.