Tuesday, August 2, 2016

INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS/OECD Inclusive Growth in Cities Campaign

Cities and metropolitan areas have a crucial role in making inclusive growth happen. They are major generators of growth and economic opportunity, and key actors in many domains that matter for inclusive growth, including education, health care services, social protection, training and employment services, as well as housing, neighbourhood regeneration and transport.
However, rising inequalities, poor quality of services, fragmented labour markets, and non-inclusive institutions challenge the capacity of cities to grow inclusively- that is, to allow people both to contribute to, and share in, rising prosperity.
Inclusive Growth in Cities Campaign: A Roadmap for Action.  
The New York Proposal for Inclusive Growth in Cities Agenda
·  An inclusive education system, which enables people of all ages and backgrounds to develop their human capital, acquire relevant skills and improve their life chances.
·       An inclusive labour market, which aims to make the most of women, youth, older populations, migrants and immigrants, foreign-born populations, and people of all backgrounds in the labour force. This means policies that promote access to quality jobs and inclusive entrepreneurship.
·       An inclusive housing market and urban environment, which provides quality, affordable housing in safe, healthy neighbourhoods for all segments of the population.
·   Inclusive infrastructure and public services, which consists of a transport system that provides access to jobs, services and consumption opportunities for all, as well as affordable, reliable public services, such as water, energy, and waste management and broadband infrastructure