The city’s government, in conjunction with the
Metropolitan Environment Commission, has implemented four consecutive
programmes since the first ProAire launched in 1990. Mexico’s measures to
improve air quality have been diverse, from closing the city’s most polluting
factories to banning cars one day per week in the city´s metropolitan area. Its
BRT Metrobus system launched in 2005 as part of the ProAire III program is the
longest such system in Latin America. The city’s Ecobici bike-sharing programme
is also the largest in the region, and has been replicated in other Latin American
cities. Although Mexico City has already made great strides in improving its
air quality, it remains proactive in tackling the challenges that remain. The
ProAire IV programme, launched in 2011 and running until 2020, contains 89
measures and 116 separate actions across eight strategy areas, including energy
consumption, greening of the municipal transport fleets, education, green areas
and reforestation, capacity building and scientific research.
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