Thursday, June 30, 2016

SUSTAINABILITY STANDARDS/AccountAbility's AA1000 Standards

AccountAbility's AA1000 series are principles-based standards to help organisations become more accountable, responsible and sustainable. They address issues affecting governance, business models and organizational strategy, as well as providing operational guidance on sustainability assurance and stakeholder engagement. The AA1000 standards are designed for the integrated thinking required by the low carbon and green economy, and support integrated reporting and assurance.


The AA1000 AccountAbility Principles Standard (AA1000APS) provides a framework for an organisation to i000 standards – the Assurance Standard and the Stakeholder Engagement Standard – are based on the APS principles and support their achievement.

To read click here: 
AA1000 AccountAbility Principles Standard (AA1000APS)


The AA1000 Assurance Standard 2008 (AA1000AS) provides a comprehensive way of holding an organisation accountable for its management, performance, and reporting on sustainability issues by evaluating the adherence of an organisation to the AccountAbility Principles and the reliability of associated performance information

To read click here: 
AA1000 Assurance Standard 2008 (AA1000AS)

The AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard (AA1000SES) is a generally applicable framework for Assessing, Designing, Implementing and Communicating stakeholder engagement. AA1000SES builds on, and is consistent with, AccountAbility’s AA1000 Series, particularly the AA1000 AccountAbility Principles Standard (2008) and the principle of Inclusivity.

The purpose of the Standard is to establish the benchmark for good-quality stakeholder engagement.

To read click here: 
AA1000 Assurance Standard 2015 (AA1000AS)